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Arbeitsbeispiele Oberstufe

Artikel aus dem Bereich Arbeitsbeispiele Oberstufe

“Imagine … Harry Potter!“

09.05.2021 — Der GK12 E arbeitet mit Schulen aus Frankreich und der Türkei an „eTwinning“-Projekt.

Text: Katrin Woesner Bilder: Felix Dietrich, Eric Palm, Lukas Walz/ alle MSS 12 Der Grundkurs Englisch 2/ MSS 12 arbeitet im 2. Schulhalbjahr gemeinsam mit Schulen aus Frankreich und der Türkei an einem kreativen „eTwinning“-Projekt zum Thema „Harry Potter“. In diesem Projekt arbeiten die Schülerinnen und Schüler sehr selbständig in internationalen Teams zusammen. Das heißt: In jedem Team sind Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aus unserem Kurs vom Sickingen-Gymnasium und aus den Partnerschulen in Frankreich und der Türkei. Gemeinsam lösen die Teams eine Aufgabe, z.B. eine neue Fortsetzung zum 1. Band von „Harr… weiterlesen

A country far away - traditional and modern Japan

20.04.2021 — Exchange between Englisch GK 2/MSS 12 and two Japanese representatives - by J. Neufeld

On March 25th, 2021, our English class had the chance to have video conference with the vice consul Mariko Yano and Carolin Weidmann from the Japanese consulate general in Frankfurt. We had the opportunity to learn a lot about Japan and its culture. We also talked about digitalization and modern technologies in Japan. This meeting was possible due to a project by the Japanese consulate general in Frankfurt called “Japan im Klassenzimmer”. We are the first class to take part in this program online. Vice consul Mariko Yano studied political science for two years and has been working in the for… weiterlesen

Christmas stories

14.12.2020 — Arbeitsbeispiele aus dem Englischunterricht der Oberstufe

Christmas Crackers A Christmas Story by Anna Weller "Dammit Ryan, do you even have an idea how to put on a fucking fire?" I peaked over his shoulder as Ryan was working, his girlfriend was screaming from across the room. From where I was looking, Ryan was doing a rather good job, but I wasn´t really in a place to judge, since he taught me how to start a fire in the first place. His girlfriend, however, couldn´t do it at all. "I´m doing the best I can", Ryan said searched through his pockets. "Hey buddy, you seen my lighter?" He looked up at me and I pointed at th… weiterlesen